What's normal anymore?
As distanced from normal
As we are from each other
Yet normal was never my aim
Who wants to be normal
Following the crowd
Standing in line as prescribed
Not me
And yet
There's that longing
To be accepted as one of
As part of
The crowd
Lost me
But I lost you
By being who I had to be
That's the truth to see
Stay steady
Don't let these strange times
Change you incorrectly
There'll be changes of course
But stay true
To you
With your imperfections
Your fabulous conversations
Stranger thoughts
Head full of hope
Messy hope
And light
Amidst rain
Rainbows to be followed
Dreams to be caught
Doorways to be entered
Destinations unknown
Words unwritten
Ink spilled
Saying goodbye to what was
Dropping expectations
With an audible thump
Of relief
My soul will sing
Hope will climb
To the stars
Above rainbows
Full of light
Not held back
By rainfall
Of fear
Those I'll abandon
Experiences random
I'll embrace
I'll face
The truth
Of me
I'll find
My very heart
Pure individuality
Will you join me?
I wrote this poem a year ago, in Lockdown. Facebook time hop kindly shared it with me and I had totally forgotten about it, it was a little gift.
I agree with the sentiment as much today as I did when I wrote it and so I've created a piece of tessellated artwork to accompany the poem