There's so much hatred
So much judgement
So little listening
Let alone understanding
Everything is polarised
Bracketed black or white
Yet almost everything in life
Is on the grey spectrum
They want us divided
Those in power create division
They divert our attention
So we don't see their transgressions
It's manipulation
Which is bad enough
But they are changing society
Making it much worse for us
Under paying workers
Removing reproductive rights
Abandoning refugees
Saying guns are a right
Across the world
In every nation
Money and power
Are devastating
So what do we do?
That's the question that matters
We need to come together
Heal communities shattered
Focus on change
For the good of us all
Listen to each other
Knowing together we can't fall
I know it's not easy
I know hatred exists
But by starting to listen
We can better coexist
Wow that got long fast. As you might be able to tell I'm getting increasingly worried by the way our society is dividing whilst the political and economic power houses watch and laugh knowing we're too busy to watch their actions.
This doesn't mean I think we should ignore the horrific changes being made which restrict human rights or cause poverty and pain; but that we need to somehow find common ground together in everything.
I know I'm getting into deep water here but.... Take the removal of every woman in USA to access an abortion. I can't really believe that someone who fights for the right of the unborn child wouldn't change their mind if they spoke to someone who made the heartbreaking decision to have an abortion. If they sat in a room and shared their stories, their emotions, their truths. If they could speak without hatred or judgement, but hear each others pain, because there is always pain, then surely they could find a place they agree, connecting in their humanity.
Take the refugee crisis. When I share the reality of people I have worked with on The Light of Hope book, with people who think refugees should be turned away, I see their opinions change. I see empathy and compassion by hearing about a human, not an unknown "group".
Perhaps I'm naive
Or I'm too optimistic
But something must change
And soon!