I am passionate about making art accessible for all, especially for those of us with visual impairments.
As well as creating audio descriptions for art exhibitions I have started developing tactile art. On this page I will share some of these pieces.
Can you see Little Guy
Perhaps you have to strain your eyes
Or on your screen magnify
Maybe you've already scrolled on by
This piece isn't designed to see
It's more about it's tactile quality
To provide accessibility
Creating more equality
A celtic trinity in wood stuck onto a background painted in thick bright colours
A giraffe shape in wood stuck onto a square of wood painted in swirling oranges
A guide dog shape in wood stuck onto a square of wood painted in swirling oranges
A 10cm mandala on a block of wood all painted green
This heart might be rough around the edges
It might look lumpy and bumpy
It might be imperfect to your eye
But it's full of life's complexity
Designed not so much to be seen
As much as to be touched
To be felt
To be loved
And to ask the questions...
What do you value?
What do you love?
What is the truth of hearts?
Mine more wooden animals which have found their colour in various ways. I'll be taking these to the two workshops I running for visually impaired children and teenagers this summer with Berkshire Vision. I hope they will inspire some creativity.