How to write a sonnet.
Shakespearean Sonnets are 14 lines long.
Each line is typically ten syllables, phrased in iambic pentameter.
Iambic pentameter is a line contains five iambs: two syllable pairs in which the second syllable is emphasized.
The rhyme scheme is:
Here's are some Shakespearean Sonnets I've written. If you have a go at writing one then please share them with me.

Twinkling love
My love for you be like a Christmas tree
Twinkling bright on the very darkest night
Yet oft I seem invisible to thee
As you wonder in your dream without sight
Why do I glitter, offering my soul
Optimistically facing your silence
Now the shine on my heart becomes but dull
And my mind loses the joy of your sense
Oh how my heart does hurt, is it breaking
Is it possible to survive this death
Of such an all encompassing loving
Relief would be brought on a final breath
And then I hear your voice and I smile
As we sit and lose ourselves awhile

Presents or presence
All I ever long for is your presence
Time spent simply hanging out together
No need for any expensive presents
No money needs be spent whatsoever
It is merely your company I love
A gift beyond monetary value
Connecting heart to heart deeper with you
Yet your heart seems to be hidden from view
Instead you shower me in these objects
I'm lost, as in a flock of noisy birds
Why do you make our love so complex
Submerging all of my emotive words
Let us stop and leave the world far behind
Then our hearts will be perfectly aligned

Turning time
Another year moving into the past
We unload painful shackles of regret
Memories solidify, now die-cast
All lessons stored safely, to not forget
Where will we next discover adventure
Time alone answers these questions we pose
Life promises collection of treasure
From seaside beaches or cool river flows
Together, without fear we will travel
Expecting all but the unexpected
Undaunted, knowing plans may unravel
We can change, we will not be dejected
This is your invitation to join us
Bring nothing considered superfluous

These are my favourite days of the year
When the new shoots glow every shade of green
Fresh spring days when the sky is crystal clear
Just longing to be noticed, to be seen
Daffodils reflecting bright yellow light
Bring smiles to faces long hidden away
Glorious sounds echo as birds take flight
They rise upon thermals warming each day
The world is waking and stretching once more
Readying itself for the new offspring
Next generations will tweet, squeak and roar
Such beauty and optimism they bring
We should take time with nature's majesty
Admiring and pondering the beauty
And some I wrote a few months back

Garden groove
Disconnected cherry blossom chasers
Spy psychedelic illumination
Rushing to beat all the other gazers
Who sit around stuck in rumination
Dancing in petals of every hue
Hearts collide as love starts coalescing
Bare feet bathing in cool refreshing dew
Celebrating Spring's glorious blessing
Tulips and daisies cheer from the borders
As dandelions observe from afar
Daffodils sway with nearby crocuses
Ivy thinks it's all a bit too bizarre
Life in the garden always on the move
Will you join in and discover your groove?

Nature's truth
Resplendent rainbows eclipse green auroras
Delicately fighting dark midnight themes
Birds sing lullabies inspired by flora
Love burns inimitable dancing dreams
Spaces develop as nature changes
Slowly fermenting forgotten fears
Mountains examine within their ranges
Bathing in rains full of stormy tears
Time elapses increasingly slowly
As truth obscures pure imagination
Stars that once sparkled now sad and lonely
Shine their precarious situation
Love betrothed now sadly disconnected
Looks to the light hopefully reflected
This is a double sonnet about abusive relationships, escape and recovery.

I Beg You
As you gaze into your coffee
I beg you, look at me
I feel less than moiety
My eyes tear, can you not see?
No rhyme or Reason given
For the distance of your heart
I've done all that you've bidden
But though together, we're apart
Please tell me what I need to do
I can be all that you need
How myself can I improve?
I'll go where'er you lead
No! This cannot be the end
I'll be a better girlfriend
One month later:
I daydream of surprising you
Beyond blue skies so clear
But every night dreaming of you
Thunderclouds appear
Warnings against second chances
Dance around my mind
You tested every patience
From that hole I have now climbed
I found my truth, my value
My soul is now in bloom
The constant chaos of you
Like roses I did prune
I face with joy the Twilight
Praising learning from your spite