1 Do you hear me God? Anxiety overwhelms, like waves on the rocks, battering my hope. Bring relief from fear Lord, do you hear my prayer? 2 We are surrounded with uncertainty, division and confusion; can we not find certainty and be lead clearly to safety? 3 We know you and trust you Lord, through good times and bad. We will remind each other to focus our hearts on you when we fear we will be overwhelmed. 4 Have faith, do not fear, God is always with us 5 Share your troubles with trusted friends 6 Pray every day knowing God hears every word we speak 7 Fill our hearts with joy enough to comfort anxiety 8 Each morning I arise in hope, for you God are with me, in you I find safety and peace .. Tomorrow on Monday 19th July 2021 the British Government will remove all covid restrictions in what many are calling "Freedom Day". But for many people, especially those vulnerable to covid, tomorrow feels like the complete opposite of freedom day; it feels like the start of greater fear and anxiety. I have written about this with other disabled theologians and ministers but not really processed the feelings. Until today! Today I painted this picture of the sea and realised I was lamenting on behalf of us all; that I was crying out to God as poets and psalmists have through the generations. And so I wrote a psalm in the style of the psalms of lament. My prayer and hope is that this might comfort even one person. But even if it doesn't, it has comforted me.