Try harder
Allocate resources
Try harder
Money needs releasing
Try harder
Deal with climate change now
Try harder
Now, not in the next decade
Try harder
2 degrees is a death sentence
Try harder
Limit warming to 1.5 degrees
Try harder
This is the final chance
Try harder
Open up your hearts
Your will to act must come from within
Open up your hearts
2 million Kenyans face climate related starvation
Open up your hearts
Kenyan rainy seasons have failed
Open up your hearts
Think beyond your comfortable lives
Open up your hearts
Famine is a reality
Open up your hearts
People are dieing
Open up your hearts
In 2025 half of the world's population faces water scarcity
Open up your hearts
Half the world!
Open your hearts
Listen to the stories
Open your hearts
Feel the suffering
Open your hearts
Then act
Open your hearts
Try harder
This poem and the four paintings were inspired by the speeches at Cop26 by Mia Mottley , Prime Minister of Barbados and Elizabeth Wathuti, climate activist and leader of Green Generation Initiative in Kenya, Prince Charles and David Attenborough.