Over the years I've painted and written a lot about my brain, trying to process how it feels to live with FND and, more recently, Long Covid.
I thought I'd share some here so that when I'm suffering from even worse brain fog than usual I can find them.
I painted this in 2015 when my brain first started badly misbehaving
This series of 4 paintings and haiku were trying to explore how I live my FND
This is related to the mental health side of the brain
I created this when my brain was in a horrible state with Covid. It is in my book Dormiveglia; Living with Long Covid
This painting and poem are all about brain fog and is also in my book Dormiveglia; Living with Long Covid
And here's another from my book Dormiveglia; Living with Long Covid
And finally (for now) here's a painting representing the way it can feel when my whole body and brain are refusing to communicate properly and how that makes me feel in the world.
I will update this page as I create or find more that I've forgotten about. Got to love brain fog.