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January Challenge 2025

Writer's picture: Emma MajorEmma Major

Every January for many years now, I have joined in with the daily creative prompts by 64 Million Artists. For the last 3 years I have shared these prompts with a group of chronically ill people, encouraging us all to get creative. Below you can see my creativity through January. Perhaps this will encourage you to have a go yourself. It’s never too late to take up a creative habit.

Here is a gallery of the paintings I created through the month, can you figure out which painting belongs to which prompt and poem? You can find some textile art and other creative outputs including poems, against each date below the gallery.

Day 1 - Word of the Year


Holding onto Hope

Open heartedly

Practicing rest

Every day


Day 2 - Listen Look Up

Snow floating gently

Covers spiky conifers

Winter wonderland


Icicles of hope

Melt into tears of pain

As time slips away

As time slips away

We cling to optimism

Frozen in moments

Frozen in moments

Long forgotten memories

Icicles of hope


Prancing through the snow

Drawing self portraits with truth

The winter moon shines


Day 3 - Your Memory Poem

Mountains loom large

Wrapping my weakness with their comforting presence

Nature's scent embues the air

Relieving my tension on each deep breath

Waterfalls just out of sight

Calm my mind with swelling melodies

Snowy glacial slopes

Sparkle anew with ancient hope

I bottle these memories

Cradling hopes for future adventures

Unfurling the fragments into tapestries of travel

Relaxing with anticipation


Day 4 - Capture Your Day

January whispers....

"No new beginnings for us"

No need to adjust

Or make a fuss

This journey is forever circular


Yet familiar

We leave time with our stories

In memories

Or lullabies

As the silver moon captures our melodies

As remedies

In reveries

Mistakes melt like snowflakes

On frozen lakes

As spring awakes

Set aside habits that will be broken

Or frozen

Leave them unspoken

Don't fear the slopes

Speak out your hopes

Or jot them on backs of envelopes

This is the way to live each day








Day 5 - Erasure Poetry

Do you ever feel like you aren't enough

Whilst also being far too much

That you take up too much space

Yet are barely noticed

As if you aren't designed effectively

Were made mistakenly

Live incorrectly

Can't find your niche

Your place

Your space

In a world of perfection

Perhaps it's just me

But the older I get

The more I suspect

That almost everyone feels the same

Which means there is no shame

No truth

In this feeling

Of failing

Because no one is winning

Yet everyone wins


Day 6 - A Word Walk

Take time to be still

As leaves are unfurling

Basking in winter sunlight

Accept hibernation as a blessing

Allow your roots to anchor

Whilst your soul is resting

Opening to possibilities

As spring starts emerging

Invite hope to lead your steps

Singing a lullaby of peace

Developing your trust

That love will never cease


Day 7 and 8

I have built a wordless construction using Makaton which tells the story of my last two days.

Alt text:


I was in pain

I was frightened

I was told to go to hospital

I had to have an emergency operation


I am resting in bed


Day 9 - Smile

On winter mornings

An echo of footsteps brings

Welcomed company


Day 10 - A Musical Day

Things can only get better, right?

I'm not asking for perfection

Or sugar coated delectation

I'm not into fake saccharine tales

Just asking for a few less fails

Daily glimmers that bring a sense of hopeful

So life is just a little less dreadful

Because under all the news of tragedy

I know that there are blessings each day for us to see


Day 11 - A New Word

Grarghr - an intense feeling of frustration and irritation that needs to be roared to relieve tension.

Go on, give it a go, it really releases the tension that has built up in your body from so much injustice, pain and frustration in the world. Be more Tiger!


Day 12 - Making Waves

In the story of my life

Water will flow freely

Waves lapping on secret shores


Waterfalls cascading over rocks


Frozen ponds laced with ice


Silent pools inviting rest


Nourishing me


Loving me



Asking directly

Trusting the truth will be shared

Perfect clarity

Perfect clarity

After ripples find their peace

Reflecting the truth


Day 13 - Follow the Sound

Listen to the echoes of dusk whilst shadows split

Hear whispers weave through trees as they sway and sigh

Footfalls resonate on pathways softly lit

Each note a promise as it drifts nearby

The murmurs of streams call with gentle grace

Beneath the crescent moon’s watchful embrace

When you follow a sound you'll find your place

Where heartbeats meet dreams face to face

Birdsong rises like laughter in the air

As past meets the present in memorial streams

Every rustle of leaves asks "are you aware?"

That fleeting moments hold infinite dreams

Listen to the music that life composes loud

Wisdom waits in nature so follow the sound


Day 14 - Mindful Animal Movement

Feeling exhausted?

Not up to movement?

In the animal world

There is no judgement

You can take it slow with a Sloth

Find a quiet spot with a Gorilla

Hang around in style with a Koala

Or chill out with a Red Panda

The choice is entirely yours

Leave it in their restful paws


Day 15 - The Worm

Wiggling and wriggling

Over and under my

Really colourful quilt

Masquerading as a Caterpillar


Day 16 - Recycle to Stitch

Shared the kawandi quilt piece I have created to be part of the long covid support banner.


Day 17 - Mind-Full Of....?

Created from stars

A mere blinking of an eye

In galactic time

In galactic time

Lives end before they begin



I will live in love and light

Created from stars


Day 18 - Dressed to Express

Dress to express

In colour and style

Not for anyone else

Just to make yourself smile

Don't worry about spoiling

Your expensive garments

Choose clothes that look fab

Wear those "for special" items

Choose your sparkliest top

Don't save it for best

Enjoy extravagant shoes

With that spectacular dress

Don a fabulous hat

When you're out for a chat

Style the scarf with a broach

In a bohemian approach

There aren't enough days

To worry about their opinion

Wear exactly what you like

Be your own limited edition


Day 19 - Unseen Borders

Time warp

Warped clocks

Clocks through time

Timeless memories

Memories of Manchester

Manchester theatre

Lecture theatre

Maths lecture

Maths teacher

MC Escher

Optical illusion

Visual illusion

Illusion of vision

Warped vision

Time warp


Day 20 - Meaningful Touch

No Blue Monday here

Lots of red, green and yellow

A wonderful world

Where some days are difficult

And others are not so bad


Day 21 - You Inspire Me

You get up and face the world

Stay positive despite the hurt

Smile through all the stress and pain

Every day you try again

More than those who run and win

You're challenged by most everything

You're being the best that you can be

This is why you inspire me


Day 22 - Take Back the Trash

Textile creations


Day 23 - This Is Me

Blind wheelchair user

Colourful creator

Problem solver

Poem writer




Day 24 - Heart Beat


Creativity is not a talent

It's an ability to play

To let yourself try

To make mistakes

Or completely fail

Dust yourself off

And try again

And again

And again

And again


Day 25 - Gratitude Bank

Grateful for family

Always there for me

Grateful for friends

Around every bend

Grateful for assistance

Enabling my persistence

Grateful for technology

Facilitating my creativity

Grateful for healthcare

Ensuring I'm still here

Grateful for prayer

In all of life's affairs

Grateful everyday

Even in tiny ways


Day 26 - Pieces Together (Peace is together)

There are places

Where you can be yourself

Without apology or explanation

Spaces which feel like home

Where the welcome is genuine

Without demands or requirements

No matter your shape or colour

You are invited to find peace

Love for one another


Discovering peace

As hope flickers quietly

Weaving through stillness

Weaving through stillness

Whispering invitations

Everyone welcome

Everyone welcome

Finding light in the shadows

Discovering peace


Day 27 - Grounding

Sitting in the quiet of dawn


The earth awakening

As light filters through moss covered branches

A woodpecker hammers

Knocking on wood

A metronome for nature's song

Rhythms inviting dancers

The trees stand tall


Decorated in stories told by time

Accompanied by slow feet scratches

Nature's drummer all alone

Featured soloist

Filling the forest with holy sounds

Resonance as my breath catches


Day 28 - Silly Self Portrait

Not often silly

But then, every so often

I let it all out

I let it all out

Singing, dancing and playing

Like a little kid

Like a little kid

Pretending nothing matters

It’s nice to pretend


My mask wears a smile




Yet underneath

I can barely breathe

This is not my reality

Life is never so neat

And so I retreat

Distancing myself from those who fear

An imposter without good cheer

Conquering the need to live perfectly

But instead, to be, the truest me


When life weighs me down

Stargazing escapism

Provides perspective


Day 29 - Character Creation

Hi I'm a cell mutation

A nasty little creation

That's into rapid reproduction

Then bodily invasion

I hope you don't mind me colonising

I'll keep on spreading

As long as you're not noticing

It shouldn't be upsetting

No no, you can trust me

I won't do anything dodgy

Waiting isn't a mistake

You can be you and I'll be me

Don't come so close

Ignore what you see

There's no need to attack me

Couldn't you let me be?


Day 30 - I Make Myself Laugh

Not up to laughing today

Can't summon a giggle

Not smiled in a while

It would be superficial

Instead there is pain

All over my body

And on top of it all

A whole load of worry

So today I'll just be

A bit of a misery

It's ok when life's hard

To take a day for me


Day 31 - Change Maker

We are all flawed

All broken in some way

That's what makes us us

Individually spectacular

We deserve to be loved and valued

For who we each are

Perfectly understood

In our particular shapes and colours

When we find our place in the world

We will heal our cracks with gold

Highlighting our imperfections

Formed creatively

Together we form one picture

No one greater than another

Each part of life's jigsaw puzzle

Everyone a treasure


Create every day

Stimulate new ideas

For loving yourself

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