I've been in a research project this morning exploring how art can help women process grief after Miscarriage and Still Birth. I created two paintings and a poem.
This first piece shows my boys outside of this world but not alone, with many other babies, children and adults who are in heaven. The poem developed as I painted.

How can it be so many years?
And yet my cheeks are wet with tears
My love for you never wanes, is strong
My heart still broken
In shards where you belong
Yet life goes on
Two decades of keeping on
Without you my sons
My only comfort is knowing
Reminding myself
That you are together
Until I join you, to hold you, forever
I've also painted a representation of my boys' candles which I light at key dates in the year. Over those I've tried to show their heavenly beings because when I light their candles I feel they are close.
