For five years we've known
That tower blocks are death traps
That money comes before people
That those in power don't really care
About the poorest
About the disabled
About families of every colour
Who make their homes together
In community
It's been five years and a public enquiry
Five years and a fire brigade's honesty
Five years and witnesses sharing tragedy
Five years and yet honestly
I don't think anything has changed
Will anything ever change?
I think it's getting worse
Covid proved the disabled are expendable
The cost of living crisis says the poor are forgettable
The flying of refugees to Rwanda shows...
Zero compassion
Zero humanity
Zero empathy
Zero morality
Where are our country's morals
It's like a dystopian novel
A film no one would believe
But it's reality
And there seems to be no reprieve
But I won't give up
I will fight for justice
I send the letters
I sign the petitions
I even write poems
Knowing I'm not alone
That thousands of others
Are doing the same
Hoping that things will change
Not in five years
Not after yet more tears
Not even in another year
But soon